PUSD's Re-opening Town Hall Summary

In case you missed PUSD’s Town Hall on March 30, here are some of the highlights.  Keep in mind that this is general information, and your school will have its own orientation with specific details and schedules.  You can view the Town Hall presentation at  https://www.pusd.us/Page/9359 .  If you think we misunderstood anything, please let us know!  And, if you have questions about your school or classroom, we encourage you to contact your teacher or principal.     


  • As previously explained, students will be in a stable cohort and instruction will be a hybrid simultaneous learning model.  Students at home will interact with their teacher and students in the classroom.

  • Students need to bring chromebooks and chargers to campus daily.

  • Students will have a similar school schedule to their current remote learning schedule.  Each school will have orientation to give you specific information about their schedule, but you can expect it to be similar to what it is now.

  • T-F will be simultaneous learning.

  • Mondays will continue in remote learning even for students who plan to return to campus.

  • Elementary students returning to in-person learning will either be on campus for two or four days per week depending on the number of students who want to return to in-person learning.

  • Secondary schedules have been updated so that all live instruction takes place before lunch.

  • Secondary families have until April 7 to complete the Return to Campus Survey at https://www.pusd.us/survey

  • All volunteers, parents, visitors, and non-essential personnel must make an appointment to come onto campus

  • Parent meetings will still be held virtually

 Special Education

  • Special Ed students returning to campus will have the same schedule as they have now, but may have fewer students per classroom than the 14 for regular education students.

  • Some special PPE for special ed students

  • IEP meetings will still be held virtually, but there will some in-person assessments

  • IEP supports will be provided

  • Transportation will be provided


  • Every morning, make sure your children aren’t sick, but if they are, please keep them home

  • Every student’s temperature will be taken when the student arrives at school

  • Masks must be worn by students and staff except when eating outside

  • Signs and markers have been placed to ensure distance between people

  • There will be lots of opportunities to wash hands

  • Voluntary COVID 19 testing will be available 1 x per week at each school

  • Different protocols for student athletes

  • Parents and guardians will be notified if their child has a positive test

  • Please make sure children are up to date with vaccinations

  • Masks will be available at school if your child forgets his/hers

  • Every school has an enter and exit plan to stagger the arrival and dismissal of students

  • Students may bring a snack from home

  • Vaccinations are not required for staff or students nor can staff we asked if they were vaccinated


  • Schools have upgraded air filter and air purifiers (bipolar ionizer)

  • MERV 10 air filters are rated for hospital and lab use

  • Schools will be disinfected every night and cleaned daily

  • Classes are set up so students are 6 feet apart

  • No water fountains, so please send a bottle of water with your student

  • 2 students may be in the restroom at a time


Social Emotional Health

  • Students may have anxiety about returning to school which is normal

  • If needed, seek help for your student

  • Practice deep breathing and other ways to relax with your student

  • Give your student positive messages

  • Let your student know that it’s okay to talk to a trusted adult

 Afterschool and Summer Programs

  • Learns will be available afterschool and during the summer

  • It sounds like PEF is planning on an in-person program, but they aren’t sure how many children can be served yet

  • There will be a summer credit recovery program

And finally, when the superintendent was asked why schools would open now, he responded that the best place for students is on campus if it’s safe.  Since employees have been offered vaccines, and plans have been formulated to ensure that when students return they are safe, he believes it’s best to offer in person programs.



nancy dufford