Master Planning/Boundaries Sub-Committee Notes 7/2/19

Update of the Board of Education’s primary factors to consider for school consolidation, which are:

  • Facility conditions/special facilities

  • Maximizes capacity use of sites (some room for growth)

  • Promote socio-economic diversity and ethnic balance

  • Preference for high enrollment schools

  • Schools located where a significant number of school age children reside

Kim Kenne, who chairs the committee, also reported that during their meeting with secondary principals, that the principals agreed there is too much capacity at secondary schools.

The sub-committee reviewed a Scenario Viability spreadsheet for middle and high schools. It includes various scenarios such as 1 high, 2 high schools, 3 high schools and which ones, along with capacity and enrollment projections. Some scenarios, such as 1 high school aren’t viable. Staff was asked to determine a reasonable over/under and narrow down the choices. For example, with the current configuration of 4 high schools, there is a projected 35.4% excess capacity. Selecting a scenario that has 34% excess capacity doesn’t really save anything and is disruptive, but going with a scenario that has 3% excess capacity doesn’t allow for any growth. Somewhere there is a sweet spot so that, along with the other primary factors, should be used to eliminate some options. For their purposes, the sub-committee is using 85% of the official capacity numbers as a rough way of accounting for rooms that may be needed for other uses.

They discussed how to proceed with elementary sites, and what approach should be taken. As with secondary, they will speak with the elementary principals to get their input. Staff was asked to put dates to an updated Work Plan, and continue to develop viable scenarios and recommendations. The next meeting is scheduled for July 29, August 12 (might change because that’s the first day of school), and August 26. The goal is still to have recommendations to the board in September for approval in October.

nancy dufford