PUSD-to-College Program Series
PEN is proud to partner with College Access Plan (CAP) to offer a series of programs to help families plan for and navigate through high school to college. Topics include: Paying for College, Ultimate College Roadmap, and Finding the Right-Fit College.
Paying for College - (February 11, 2020)
No matter what your family income is, all families need to understand how the financial aid system works, how to project what college will actually cost, and what options are available to help pay for college. Whether your child is already in high school or just starting elementary, this free workshop will help you plan and learn about resources that may be available to your student and your family. This year’s presentation slides are available in English and en Español. Additional resources from this year’s program include:
What is Financial Aid? / ¿Qué es la Ayuda Financiera para la Universidad?
Federal Student Aid: studentaid.gov/resources#find-aid-info
529 Accounts: https://www.scholarshare529.com/
California Student Aid Commission (Cal Grant programs)
Finding the "Right Fit" College - (March 17, 2020)
Designed to give parents and students a thoughtful perspective on college options. Led by CAP Executive Director Mo Hyman, a former college professor, and Maureen Gelberg from CollegeWise, who is a PUSD parent, former college admissions officer, and on the board of CAP. Topics covered included a "holistic" approach to college admissions and how to identify and research potential college matches for your student.
College list tracking
College research notes template
Additional resource links:
ultimate College ROADMAP! - (Oct. 29, 2019)
Because the path to college readiness begins as soon as your child starts high school, this program is designed to prepare parents for the process and let them know what resources are available to them and their students regardless of which PUSD high schools they may attend. An in-depth look at everything you need to help your students develop a plan that will carry them through high school to college and beyond:
"A-G" requirements and other course scheduling options
How AP, IB, and concurrent enrollment courses fit into the picture
“Passport” checklists to keep your plans on track (Download “passports” for: 9th & 10th grade, 11th grade)
SAT, PSAT, ACT, subject tests - which tests to take and when
Planning tools to make the college planning and application process easier
View/download pdf of Ultimate College Roadmap presentation from Oct. 29, 2019. (Note: this is a large file.)
Handouts & presentations from last year include:
CAP-4 Steps to College Success (slide presentation)
Resource links: