PUSD’s African American Parent Council (AAPC) meets virtually this month. Meetings are open to all parents/caregivers, teachers, admin, and community members who wish to support and advocate on behalf of African American students and families in order to ensure that all students can reach their full potential. Link to join the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91765826667
Reimagine School Discipline is the topic of conversation at this month’s AAPC meeting:
We are excited to hear from Dr. Jason Okonofua, a psychology Professor at UC Berkeley. Dr. Okonofua has developed an empathetic mindset intervention for teachers that has reduced disproportionate suspensions by half.
We will also hear from the powerful filmmaker, Dr. Karen Baptiste. A former public school teacher, Dr. K will screen the trailer to her film "Preschool to Prison" and explain her motivation for creating the film.
We will highlight AAPC's critical suspension policy win and the impact that has had in lowering suspensions in PUSD
We will raffle off 5 free copies of Mark Warren's Willful Defiance courtesy of our comrades at South LA's CADRE.
AAPC’s motto is “Black students are our business!” Learn more at https://aapcpusd.com.