At this Board Study Session, staff will lead discussions and ask for board consensus on the following:
1. Board Priorities to be Funded in 2023-24 Budget
2. Targeted Funding for African-American Students
3. Major Categories for Commitments to Fund Balance
Members of the public have a right to address the Board concerning any item scheduled for consideration at a special board meeting. All speakers are allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes; however, at the Board’s discretion, if the time to accommodate all speakers exceeds thirty minutes, the time may be reduced to two (2) minutes per speaker. A speaker’s allotted time cannot be deferred to another speaker. If submitting comments in writing, please label them clearly as “Public Comment” and
send them no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting to to be read by the Board Clerk. In your comments, please provide no more than 450 words to keep within the three-minute time limit. If your written comment is received after 3 p.m., it will be acknowledged and made a part of the permanent records of the meeting.