PTA Council will hold its monthly Association meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 28. PTA Council business will be conducted from 5 to 6:00 PM, followed by a District-wide “listening session” in partnership with the District African American Parent Council (AAPC) and the District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC). The Listening Session provides an opportunity for all members of the PUSD community to discuss how we can work together to better advocate for your child in ways such as:
Curriculum • Communications • Socio-emotional health & safety • Services and supports for families • Cultural relevance • Technology
Register to attend the Community Listening Session.
Spanish language interpretation will be available.
Hay interpretación al español disponible
PTA Council of PUSD represents and supports the Parent-Teacher Associations at each of the District school sites. PTA is part of a national organization with state, regional, and local chapters. It supports and collaborates with but operates independently of the school district. For more information, including a calendar with dates of school site PTA meetings and events, visit