Most of us do not think of ourselves as leaders, but as we take an interest in what is happening at our child’s school, we may find ourselves playing a more active role. Whether or not you plan to take on a formal leadership position, you’ll find it useful to learn about:
How to work effectively with school staff and other parents
Different parent groups – what they do and how to participate
Training and support available to parent leaders and leadership groups
You'll come away with a better understanding of how parents like you can make a difference at your school - not only for your own child, but for all children!
Join the workshop using this Zoom Link. Or join by phone: US: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 932 1873 0352 / Passcode: 332149
This workshop is part of the Parent University Certificate Program offered by the Office of Family and Community Engagement in collaboration with Twilight Adult Education. Parents/caregivers can earn this certificate by completing 4 workshops during the school year. Workshops can be selected from a variety of topics. To view the available classes and enroll in the Certificate Program, please click HERE for English and HERE for Spanish.