McKinley K-8 is offering virtual tours on a monthly basis, with virtual tours beginning at 9:00 AM. The October tour will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 26. Here is the WebEx link:
Use this form to sign up for tours, or call the school office: 626-396-5630 for more information.
More tour login info:
Meeting number (access code): 2622 261 1117
Meeting password: jPp6mP95spP
TAP TO JOIN FROM A MOBILE DEVICE (ATTENDEES ONLY) +1-415-655-0001,,26222611117## tel:%2B1-415-655-0001,,*01*26222611117%23%23*01* US Toll JOIN BY PHONE +1-415-655-0001 US Toll JOIN FROM A VIDEO SYSTEM OR APPLICATION Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.